Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Stuff!

There are 2 new items, both citizens only...

The Sombrero (custom color)

And The Bee Mask

Until the Next Post!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Listen guys chobots is starting a earth research contest on the forum
theres some topics here they are
Inventions that in fluenced the history
Ocean animals
The most famous lakes
Science in Ancient Greece

The winners get a v-flag
remember to be creative

Saturday, June 13, 2009


you'r the best verrac you'r the BEST!!!:):):)

Picture of Fever11

I was bored, so I made a picture of Fever11 :D

Until the next post!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Animeangel's and Hikikomori's Party

Animeangel and Hikikomori celebrated Anime's birthday. Hiki made alot of rains, but only shirts and balloons.

Until the next post!

Bad words!

I would like to tell you please don't swear or say bad stuff on chobots please!
seether wrote a bad word on the wall today!it was horrible as soon as he wrote it he vanished.
i think he was ashamed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 Shirt

The first 10 shirts are now out! Did you get a one?

Until the next post!


Bad news go! and mezk quit!everyone's really sad about it=(

2 New items!

There are 2 new items! Both citizen only :'(

1st Spacesuit

2nd Sunglasses (custom color)

Until the next post!


Hello Everyone! I'm Verrac and I'm the new author here!
Here's a picture of me:

Until the next post!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hey chobots Agent chopix is with us again and he need's you'r help!
if you wanna help him in that mission you can find him in the park:)

Friday, June 5, 2009


there are new shirt's that say love i.o.u peace and now there's a b girl shirt:) and listen to get a 10 20 or 30 you need to log on for ten day's every single day twenty day's to get a 20 shirt and thirty day's for a 30 shirt e.t.c.